Using ReCaptcha v2 Insible in MVC Net Core 2 Applications
Suppose There is only one form in the page The form will be submitted in a way that can fire the the onsubmit event like either of the following: <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> <button type="submit">Submit</button> You can not submit a form in a way that can bypass the onsubmit event like the following (because the direct invocation of submit() will not fire the onsubmit event): <button type='button' onclick='getElementById("myForm").submit();'>Submit</button> The flow Clicking on submit -> Model client validation by jquery.validate -> reCaptcha client validation by grecaptcha.execute() -> (reCaptcha puzzle challenges if any) -> submitted by reCaptcha data-callback -> Model server validation -> reCaptcha server validation -> done Only after the reCaptcha client side validation has been passed, the form has chance to reach the back end. However, the ReCapt...