Visual Studio 2019: SharePoint 2010 Visual Webpart issue

Now days I have to use the modern Visual Studio 2019 to update the old SharePoint 2010 web site to meet the AODA accessibility standard. 

Issue 1: ScriptManager and UpdatePanel not found in namespace System.Web.UI


Firstly locate the project where <asp:ScriptManager> is used. Usually it's used in the master page (in the branding project).

Then add a reference to the assembly System.Web.Extensions. Select Project-> Add Reference and then select the assembly name.

Issue 2 The auto-generated webart.ascx.g.cs is missing

1. The “Site URL” property of your project

The “Site URL” property of your project should be correct.

2. Click on the *.ascx and see its property

The “Custom Tool” property should be set to “SharePointWebPartCodeGenerator” value.

Configure properties, save *.ascx, make any temporary changes to *.ascx file, save again and PUFFFF !!!! the *.ascx.g.cs file is there. Save the ascx file is the key!!!!!!!!


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